Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

peternakan etawa

Livestock Etawa

Rowosari Sumberjambe Jember
Phone: (+62361) 3616003
Mobile: +6281249577044
Email: huri_m@ymail.com


Lowest government which was in Republuk Indonesian law system is the village. In the system of law number 22 year 1989 about the village government, especially arranged that the term could be replaced with the village the other known terms in a social order in the relevant areas such as the Nagari, Villages and forth to the village is replaced with the term Tanggamus Pekon name.

As an institution that direct contact and dealing with the public, then Pekon spearheading the development, therefore we need a integrialitas, synergy and continuity of village development which in turn is expected to improve the welfare and prosperity of the communities concerned.

Sectors in general, he felt much less by the public health sector Pekon among other things, education, economics produtif and infrastructure sectors of transportation, especially roads and bridges, so do the conditions faced by the southern district Pringsewu Pekon Pringsewu Tanggamus district.

If viewed from geographical districts rowosari sumberjambe muddy rice fields and surrounded by mountainous areas with abundant water.

Rowosari sumberjambe geographically has some untapped potential, such as maintenance of goat types etawa yet another type of livestock such as cattle.

Some potential, especially among others is the existence of a fairly extensive paddy fields, dry land farming and land that are still extensive and extend forage raw materials which pretty much (like the area to graze livestock and abundant food for livestock).

In connection with such excellence and potansi, putrid Putra Pondok Pesantren Rowosari Sumberjambe desire to improve living standards by looking for fields or alternative sources of income so that the standard of living and income of members can be increased proficiency level in these activities is the maintenance of goat types etawa.

Nursing care of goats does not require a Shop-Shop, this business has been much cultivated by farmers have been awarded tens of years but no one has made this business as a basic income, so the farmers in their management is still using the traditional system, even this for them has been very helpful in meeting needs.

In order to memberikan maximum results and could be future investment maka traditional way of governance for mereka ni must be changed to adopt a more professional again, upaya, this expansion must be done through partnerships with the approach of social institutions that memiliki pemeliharaan abilities in goats and provision of funding institutions that can fund.


- Vision
Creating a professional breeder and superior

- Mission
Produce Output citizens learning / independent students
The growth of the entrepreneurial spirit to achieve self-sufficiency

III.Maksud And Purpose.

- Purpose
In Order to improve the economic capacity of communities Kelurahan Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda South Pringsewu Kec. Pringsewu kab. Lampung Province Tanggamus intend applying for assistance to Mr Etawa Livestock as an effort to increase people's economy and standard of living and welfare of the community.

- Destination
1. As an additional effort that is managed really expected to increase farmers' income.
2. Patani to educate entrepreneurs Etawa livestock.
3. As a vehicle for farmers in the fest that can strengthen brotherhood among the members of the public.
4. Reducing unemployment and Urbanization.
5. Increasing knowledge, independence and increase farmers' income.

IV.Sasaran Who Want In Reach

1. Utilization of productive land into productive yet
2. The increase in income of traditional farmers
3. Imposition of an integrated farming system in terms of goat
4. Job opportunities
5. Availability of Animal protein source
6. Abundant availability of manure

Based on the previous target of maintenance operations should be managed in a professional goat.

1. Utilization of productive land into productive yet
There is land or yard that is still used in environments that have not been used efficiently.

2. Increasing gains of traditional farmers
Goat farmers were given technical training on the maintenance of goats in particular types of "etawa" in order to produce optimally.

3. The introduction of integrated farming in the case of goats
In this case the farmer lived broaden the knowledge of experts who later brought in goats to provide counseling and jump directly to the field (learning by doing).

4. Job opportunities
With the implementation of this program is expected to help with the provision of government programs, field occupation, and reduce unemployment.

5. Availability of Animal protein source
The program is also expected to improve the nutrition of farmers with the availability of existing sources of Animal protein so that the need for animal protein bisa fulfilled, which would create a high quality human resources from the farm level that will affect the quality of human resources.

6. Availability of manure
To measure Etawa adults with a regular feeding system and meet the appropriate composition can produce as much as 0.5 kg of manure according to experience (five tails) adult goat can meet the needs of the cacao tree fertilizer (Brown) 0:25 Hectare area.

7. Land Area
Some areas are agriculture as a farmer is 77 Hectares of Land irrigated rice fields of technical and non technical irrigation 17 ha 64 ha of dry land that is abundant enough to provide feed for livestock especially for goats Etawa besides the availability of plant species and plant a large shrub whose leaves are usually used to feed goat (rambanan) there is land or yard that can still be used to plant a clump of trees that will be used in environmental feed the villagers.

8. Seed provision
For sheep farmers during the regular provision of seeds farmers are still using a very traditional way of taking the descendants of goats that have been maintained or buy a large goat on the traders even have to buy in the pet market and that too very limited.

9. Maintenance
Performed on a makeshift cage is expected to be made cage enclosure that's specifically for maintenance of goats with the appropriate capacity rules.

10. Marketing
For the marketing of the farmers no problems because the buyer has to pick up the farmhouse home immediately or sometimes goats goat farmers also brought their traditional outlets.

11. Housing
For goats goat type etawa by the farmers made a special cage is a cage made with the stage, because it can be said Etawa almost never out of the cage, if not created for the stage, the barn barn will be humid, muddy, dirty and causes disease. With the distance between the ground floor of the cage as high as -100 cm and 75 cm form the sloping roof of the cage is expected to air circulation systems can take place continuously and rapidly. The ideal cage size for every 1 (One) filled a square meter (One) goats. Keep the goat pen can be exposed to direct sunlight so that the germs can grow in minimal small as possible.

12. Approximately Community Support
Given Etawa farms, people feel happy because the job opportunities that can improve the local economy and take advantage of the abundant food source cattle.

Pondok Pesantren business business
1. Already Conducted
Agriculture (Suitable Planting Rice)
Making Bricks
Fattening cattle

2. That will be executed
Livestock Etawa
Electronic Skills (Workshop)

• The productive female goats and bulls is five years. Etawa purchases are classified as virgin goats or goat that is ready to give birth. So when the farmer does not wait too long.
• When maintenance is five years.
• Wage labor USd 78 per person per month.
• Parent can give birth three times in two years. And it begat the calculated average of 2 larvae per birth. 1 and 3 tails births per birth are ignored.
• Number cempe that will be produced during the five years are: 15 x 45 tail tail cempe parent = 330.
• 10% mortality rate, so that the maximum mortality is estimated as many as 33 cows.
• 1 tail Etawa estimated to yield 7.5 kg of manure per month. Manure from cempe in disregard.The assumption in the market price of manure Jember USD. 0,02/kg.
• an estimated Etawa tails can produce as much as 30 liters of urine per month, assuming the price in the market Rp.0.01/liter urine.
• Pricing cempe refers to the standard criteria of goats at the market Kalisat muddy. Price cempe special black head aside. Because the price can not be used as reference in this calculation. Reference price range was taken in July 2007.
• The cost of feed has been neglected because we assume to hire employees, so the cost for the purchase of feed was replaced with labor costs, because basically we are salary employees to treat and find food for their livestock. This count does not apply if the farmer bought weed in the maintenance of livestock.

(Count the number of 50 heads)
Nanny goat tails @ USD. 263
• 45 tail x USD. 263 = USD.11842
• Goat tail male 5 @ USD. 368
• 5 tails x USD. 363= USD.1840
• Cage 20 units USD 2105
• Equipment enclosure USD 105
Total fixed investment: USD 11842 + USD. 1842 + USD. 2105 + USD. 105 = USD. 15894

Parent goat maintenance costs (50 heads)
• Salaries of employees
• USD. 52 : 30 days 24 tail = USD. 0.07/ekor/hari
• Giving extra vitamins USD. 0.01/ekor/hari
• Total cost of maintenance of the parent per five years adalahRp. 800 x 5 years x 12 months x 30 days x50 tail = USD. 7578

• Sales cempe tail x 607 USD. 105 = USD. 63894
• Sales of the parent otherwise disposed of 50 tails x USD 105 = USD. 5263
• Sale of manure, 7.5 kg x 12 months x 5 years x Rp. 200 x 24 tail = USD 473
• Sales of 60 liters of urine x 12 months x 5 years x Rp. 1000 x 50 tail = USD. 18947

D. Recapitulation REVENUE
1. The investment cost of USD. 15894
2. Maintenance costs during the five-year USD. 7578
USD. 15894+ USD 7578 total cost of USD 23473

• Sales cempe USD. 63894
• Sales of USD rejected parent. 5263
• Sales of USD manure. USD 473
• Penjalan urine USD. 18947
• Total revenues of USD.88578
Benefits can be obtained are as follows:
Rp. -USD 88578- USD. 23473= USD. 65105

Proposals such a request is made and submitted may be pleased to grant our request, so that really can improve the welfare of our rural farming communities

Rowosari, 17 July 2010
my respect.


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